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The Warmth Of Your Love

栏目: 风土人情 / 发布于: / 人气:2.69W

Dear Jeremy,

The Warmth Of Your Love

I've loved you so much all these years, and those feelings can't and won't ever leave this heart of mine. Every time I am around you I want to let you know that I miss you so much and I really miss us. You are that someone, that special person that I could never deny my love for. I have made some really messed up choices and went down the wrong roads in our past and in our relationship, but I need you to know that because of all of those choices, I have made a turn for the better. I need you in my life, my arms, my heart, and in my world.

                (图片说明:The Warmth Of Your Love)

  Can you stop and think about the question I am about to ask you very hard? Jeremy, I am asking for the opportunity to love you with all that I am now and all that I will be in the future. I don't want to continue living my life feeling empty and lonely any more. Just the mention of your name is an instant smile, goose bumps, and a wish of us being together again. I still need you and I still would like to call you "Sexy" as well as you to call me your "Beav" again.

Love always,


Tags:Warmth Love
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