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栏目: 民间工艺 / 发布于: / 人气:2.17W



March 8 Women's Day origins

March 8, 1903, the city of Chicago in the United States to oppose bourgeois women's oppression, exploitation and discrimination, the fight for freedom and equality, held a general strike and demonstrations. This struggle by the United States because of the large number of working women in the support and enthusiastic response.

The United Nations in 1975 began to celebrate International Women's Day, established by the General Assembly each year on March 8 as International Women's Day. From then on the world's 38 working women for the sake of peace, for the power of women and children, the struggle for women's liberation day.

China's first commemoration of March 8 International Working Women began in 1924. I was in the women under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and Guangzhou held March 8 International Women's Day celebration.

Since the founding of People's Republic of China, the CPC Central People's Government in the Cabinet in December 1949 orders the country, set for March 8 Women's Day.


梦见梦里有男人喜欢我是什么意思 会富养 梦见司机睡着了是什么意思 做梦当老师意味着什么 梦见亲人死了大家在笑是什么意思 自己摆喜酒 王旁 做梦野百合意味着什么 属牛白羊座的致命弱点 做梦给轮胎打气意味着什么 梦见倒骑自行车是什么意思 梦到买婚纱钱包丢了好不好 做梦搬迁从建房屋意味着什么 梦到情人和别的男人上床好不好 梦见己故伟人送观音是什么意思 梦到困在电梯里被救起 解梦积木好不好 梦见自己跑玉米地里离是什么意思 梦到房子被风吹个低朝天好不好 梦见房子地面有窟窿是什么意思 做梦梦到朋友结婚去参加婚礼 梦见杀人之后拿刀割破死人手掌是什么意思 梦见跟老公离婚吵架是什么意思 爸爸跟别人吵架 被够狗咬到手腕 成狗 梦到陪朋友去上课好不好 梦见妈的另一个孩子是什么意思 解梦别人穿我衣服好不好 做梦一根针从头发里掉出来意味着什么 做梦自己过月经流好多雪意味着什么 解梦别的女人好不好 疤有 梦到一个刚死去的人又活过来了好不好 做梦前女友说饿了意味着什么 做梦钱不知道放哪意味着什么 梦见以分手的恋人是什么意思 做梦写生日时年龄写反了意味着什么 梦到大拇指断裂好不好 送绿是 梦见与朋友打架拿刀被打伤是什么意思 解梦六月下大雪好不好 平缓的瀑布 做梦恋人给树填土意味着什么 做梦梦到人退着走掉到桥下 做梦梦到玫瑰花瓣 周易 梦到女朋友要死好不好