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  The first International Women’s Day
  In 1869 British MP John Stuart Mill was the first person in Parliament to call for women’s right to vote. On 19 September 1893 New Zealand became the first country in the world to give women the right to vote. Women in other countries did not enjoy this equality and campaigned for justice for many years.

In 1910 a second International Conference of Working Women was held in Copenhagen. A woman named Clara Zetkin (Leader of the ‘Women’s Office’ for the Social Democratic Party in Germany) tabled the idea of an International Women’s Day. She proposed that every year in every country there should be a celebration on the same day - a Women’s Day - to press for their demands. The conference of over 100 women from 17 countries, representing unions, socialist parties, working women’s clubs, and including the first three women elected to the Finnish parliament, greeted Zetkin’s suggestion with unanimous approval and thus International Women’s Day was the result.


夢見有一個小男孩追我是什麼意思 菜根 做夢在雪上走意味着什麼 洗衣機洗衣服 做夢太陽中午落下意味着什麼 夢見牀上沒人是什麼意思 做夢老婆拿開水燙我意味着什麼 做夢夢到喝棺才裏水 做夢放棄皇帝之位意味着什麼 序列幀 做夢美工刀意味着什麼 做夢夢到蟲子鑽進腳底 大偏 夢見自己被眼睛蛇咬到腳跟是什麼意思 解夢唱卡拉OK好不好 夢到撿手機又還給別人的 夢到夢種花生好不好 夢到洪水漲進家裏好不好 夢見女同事送給我自行車是什麼意思 夢到拔頭皮好不好 做夢鬧分家產意味着什麼 做夢給情人吃梨意味着什麼 做夢夢到海水湧上來 夢到與老外聊天好不好 夢到我領結婚證好不好 夢見自己爬火車是什麼意思 夢見別人舉行盛大結婚車隊是什麼意思 做夢下水撈魚看見水裏有死豬意味着什麼 做夢大姑娘意味着什麼 做夢去尼姑庵意味着什麼 夢見半夜見到鬼是什麼意思 做夢家裏鋪地板磚意味着什麼 做夢從水中撿到飾品意味着什麼 夢到老公與前妻復婚好不好 做夢有白頭髮意味着什麼 射手座花痴指數 夢到村裏有人死了 夢見幾只站着的狗一隻黃狗變鹿是什麼意思 蕙蘭 做夢咬自己的母親意味着什麼 解夢信封好不好 做夢穿緍紗意味着什麼 做夢多人扛棺材意味着什麼 上廁所被偷看 夢見大蛇生孩子是什麼意思 解夢好多綠色植物好不好 如何設置才不致失財 做夢和小孩和穿一條褲子意味着什麼