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栏目: 民间工艺 / 发布于: / 人气:1.33W


Mid-autumn Festival in Singapore is quite lively. The holiday arrived a front for month, the moon cake lantern starts to go on the market. Moon cake, not only satisfies people's luck of having good things to eat also to use for the ancestor worship to pay respects to the moon, is the holiday high quality goods which the relative friend presents mutually. Except the moon cake, Midautumn Festival's another kind of holiday high quality goods are "the pomelo".


  Speaking of the young people, makes them feel the interest is the all kinds of manufacture fine lantern, they also were taking advantage of the holiday opportunity, exposes manufactures the lantern the talent, adults also may at the once a year lantern manufacture competition and the decorative lantern exposition heartily the entertainment.

  The Singaporean person also may participate by the populace contacts or the clubhouse sponsor midautumn festival party. The whole family enjoys looking at the moon also is fine deeds together, displays the fruits and melons, the moon cake in the home, again adds the children lantern, is warm, harmonious .

  In order to cause the midautumn festival festival the atmosphere thickly, celebration is more common, we suggested hangs up the lantern in the public place, at the same time sponsors plays lantern-riddles and so on the activity.

做梦摘桃子是一串一串的意味着什么 梦见海里有鱼是什么意思 梦见绑了红狐狸是什么意思 梦见石头砸死人血是什么意思 做梦梦到情人跟别人暧昧 做梦梦到和女儿说话 梦到已逝祖父母好不好 做梦朋友给女人意味着什么 做梦女人别人在床上睡醒意味着什么 做梦亲生父亲从监狱出来意味着什么 解梦喜欢的人向我表白好不好 不站 解梦死人出殡抬着棺材好不好 梦见爸爸摸我的胸是什么意思 解梦作客好不好 梦见和死人分地是什么意思 做梦怀孕狼意味着什么 一字眉 梦见昨晚抓到一条鱼是什么意思 梦到许久不见的前对象好不好 梦到泥鳅和死鱼好不好 做梦梦到抓到鱼 做梦老师帮我家干活意味着什么 欧式家具 梦见男的死了他是情人是什么意思 追求进步 做梦我怎么会有儿子意味着什么 梦到菩萨像 梦见梦自己找工作是什么意思 梦到妈妈骑摩托车冲向沟里好不好 变鹰 梦见在河里捡的瓜摔碎了是什么意思 做梦夸别人意味着什么 做梦脸蜕血壳意味着什么 梦到丢掉别人婴儿好不好 做梦自己變黑意味着什么 梦见巨型金蛋是什么意思 梦见死掉的雄是什么意思 做梦已逝熟人从我对面走过意味着什么 梦到房顶漏雨好不好 梦到一个男人抱着一个小孩好不好 做梦同事生三胞胎意味着什么 做梦自己的老宅子搬煤意味着什么 做梦梦到身上爬着蚂蚁 做梦梦到黑狗咬自己 六十甲子 满天星的花语 做梦要我把带的菩萨去掉意味着什么