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欄目: 民間工藝 / 釋出於: / 人氣:2.89W



  一、Daddy,I Love You
  Daddy,I love you
  For all that you do.
  I'll kiss you and hug you
  'Cause you love me,too.
  You feed me and need me
  To teach you to play,
  So smile'cause I love you
  On this Father's Day.

二、To My Dad on His Day
  To my dad on his day,
  Of whom I am a living will,
  May your happiness fulfill
  Your goodness,as is just and right.
  Deeds are seeds upon the night
  As wind and wonder have their way,
  Delivering the destined light.

三、Daddy you are the Best
  Daddy you are the best,
  although you live in the west.
  stay the way you are,
  while your driving your sports car.
  You couldn't be a better dad
  oh yeah,don't go driving around mad
  I love you for ever
  'cause you'r really clever
  Even though I puss and shove
  I will still show all my love

四、Always there for me
  I know you will always hear my rumbling and bear my blaring
  I know you will always stand by me even if the world is against
  I know you will always adore me and elevate me
  I know you will think about me every moment
  I know you will be infelicitous without your princess
  I know you will always be there for me
  You know I love you


夢到被別人用尿淋好不好 夢見情人男扮女裝是什麼意思 夢到軍人搬磚頭好不好 夢到自己騎在龍頭上好不好 夢到海水把房子都衝跑了好不好 做夢自己嫂子懷孕要離婚意味著什麼 夢到喜歡的人離開自己 十六根 夢見揀到雨是什麼意思 解夢椅子壞了好不好 十二星座查詢 夢見挖到地下滾水是什麼意思 夢見蜘蛛網纏頭是什麼意思 夢到前女友車禍好不好 做夢自己被黃蜂蜇意味著什麼 解夢掉手機好不好 挖紅薯 夢見史維仁是什麼意思 做夢別人的手流血意味著什麼 通析 做夢夢媽媽還錢給別人意味著什麼 女人穿鞋也講風水 和自己同班同學做愛 過生 夢到與男人面對面好不好 夢到食指一直流血 夢到金身從水中升出來好不好 牟字 夢見自己手機破裂是什麼意思 做夢朋友男友是演員書店意味著什麼 夢見頭髮被別人剃了是什麼意思 做夢金色蟒蛇意味著什麼 做夢抱剛出生的嬰兒意味著什麼 做夢下雨天鎖門意味著什麼 做夢和父親反目成仇意味著什麼 夢見陌生人被魚吃掉是什麼意思 夢到頭髮白了 做夢自己採了很多金銀花意味著什麼 做夢自己一次生三胞胎兒子意味著什麼 做夢撿到下金蛋的雞意味著什麼 做夢和男友做愛被別人看到意味著什麼 給獅子座的第319封信 做夢長桌子意味著什麼 夢見情婦向自己説幾句話是什麼意思 夢見丈夫哥 中國情人節 夢見流星雨 夢見女朋友帶了一個男的來家裡是什麼意思