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欄目: 生肖知識 / 釋出於: / 人氣:1.93W



  a long time ago in china lived the jade emperor. it was his birthday. he wanted to measure time to know how old he was.


all the animals arrived. the emperor decided to have a race to give a name to each year of the chinese zodiac.


the rat and the cat couldn't swim very well.

“can you take us across the river?”

“yes, jump and quick!”




they swam across the river. then the rat pushed the cat into the water and jumped on to land.


“well done,rat! the first year will be the year of the rat and the second will be the year of the ox.”

“幹得好,老鼠! 第一年就是鼠年,第二年是牛年。”

“look! here's the tiger. he's very tired. the third year will be the year of the tiger.”


“the rabbit can't swim but he's very clever. the fourth year will be the year of the rabbit.”


“why are you late, dragon? you can fly!”

“i had to make some rain for thirsty people to drink.”

“well done! the fifth year is the year of the dragon.”




“what's this? i can hear a horse. no, it's a snake. so the snake has the sixth year.”


“well done! it is good to see you working together! the goat is eighth, the monkey is ninth and rooster is tenth.”


“sorry i'm late. the water is clean and i needed a bath.”

“ the eleventh is the year of the dog.”



“you are the last.”

“yes, i had to eat and sleep on the way.”

“the last is the year of the pig.”

and that is how the emperor chose the animals for chinese zodiac.





小結:This is the story of the twelve Chinese Zodiac!這就是關於中國十二生肖的故事,同時在學習英語的時候,也可以邊聽故事邊學英文。

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